
The Blind and Visually Impaired Center Begins Online Support Groups

Posted: Monday, June 15th, 2020

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The Blind & Visually Impaired Center of Monterey County is pleased to announce the return of their support group for the blind and visually impaired via Zoom. Interested participants are urged to call Steven Macias, Executive Director at 831-649-3505 ext. 103 for more information pertaining to the support group, as well as receive the login information.

“I believe this is a necessary step to keep in contact with clients, while observing the County of Monterey’s Shelter-in-Place Order” Mr. Macias says. “A majority of our clients fall into the most susceptible group. We feel that by continuing to limit The Blind & Visually Impaired Center’s activities, we can best protect our clients. However, we feel it is necessary to find a way to keep in contact with those we serve.” Currently, The Blind & Visually Impaired Center of Monterey County is working with clients on an emergency needs basis, while following strict social distancing and wearing proper protective gear.

View the full press release Press Release – Support Group